Friday, March 4, 2011

I may live to regret this... an offer you can't refuse.

I may live to regret this, but I am going to make an offer that I hope you can't refuse.

You see, I have been working on my taxes for two days now. And not only have I been working on them, but I have been trying to organize them too.  I recently painted my bedroom, and hauled all of my tax documents and other writing materials out into the hallway and the garage until I was ready to move them back into my bedroom.  Unfortunately, I didn't label the boxes very well, so it has been a little treasure hunt finding all of my receipts.  I tell you this because this year I did not take my own advice.  There is a chapter in my book Medical Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement that addresses taxes.  I, very clearly, advised everyone to be organized with your taxes and your receipts.  I am a little embarassed to tell you that I have been very disorganized this year, and am still not done finding all of my documents.

All of this to tell you, that as a thank you to my new subscribers (including my Kindle subscribers) I am offering copies of my book FREE.  (I love that four letter F-word).  That's right, absolutely FREE.  Just shoot me an email with your name and address and I will drop one in the mail to you right away, postage free.  In addition, if you refer someone else to join the blog, I will give you a copy of my new book: Marketing Your Medical Billing Service.  Again, absolutely free.  Also, the new referral can get a copy of the first book Medical Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement, FREE.  The marketing book is in an eBook format only, but can be read by the Kindle, Nook, or Adobe Acrobat Reader files.  All of these programs can be downloaded to your comuter FREE (again, my favorite word) from the web sites of the publishers.

Now before you think that I am completely crazy, remember anything that you do for advertizing (givesways, etc.) are all tax deductible for your business.  I am already getting a jump on my 2011 taxes and advertizing.  Hopefully next year I won't be in the same boat.  (For those of you still with me next year, you can remind me of this conversation when I do it again!)  So, let's get cracking.

Send your emails to:

or visit my website at:

Remember to include your name and mailing address.  This offer remains valid until Friday, April 15th, 2011, tax day.

I would like to thank all of my current subscribers, and welcome the new ones.  And, I hope your taxes are going better than mine this year.

Until next time,

Loretta Sinclair
Author, Medical Billing, Coding and Reimbursement
How to Run Your Own Home Medical Billing Service
Annotation Press, 2007, 2008
Available in print and on Kindle

Marketing Your Medical Billing Service
Sinclair Publications, 2011
available in dBook format only
See,, or

Medical Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement
Supplemental Workbook
Sinclair Publications
copyright 2009

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